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Daniel Boros
I enjoy writing code and it has been a part of my life for so long that, I can hardly imagine living without it. My goal is always to write flawless, optimal, self documenting code that, if I or anyone else will need to change, can do so with ease. I like to improve by coding, with the help of others or without, but nevertheless improve myself whenever possible.

Last seen 27 Nov, 2021
Activity & Stats
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New user
Member Since
Aug 2021
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Open Source Issues
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JavaScript - 10 years
Vue.js - 5 years
Node.js - 5 years
Nuxt.js - 3 years
SQL - 2 years
TypeScript - 2 years
Open Source
GitHub contributions
3 commits
Over a total of
1 repositories
Last 4 months productivity
JavaScript Functional Style Made Simple