Tagging the corpus to identify place names might form an interesting parallel to some of the work that you’ve been doing to date. Would others see it as sufficiently interesting to identify toponyms, provide some basic geocoding, and then possibly link the locations to external sources like GeoNames?
I’m thinking of the convention in TEI to use <placename>
to identify toponyms and <place>
to contain data about locations and then linking the two using ids. So, taking an example from Wandering Rocks:
<place xml:id="wrL19" type="route">
<placeName>Aldborough House</placeName>
<settlement> Dublin</settlement>
<country> Ireland</country>
<geo>53.39979659999999, -6.2435338</geo>
<p> <lb n="100083”/> Near <placeName ref="#wrL19">Aldborough house</placeName> Father Conmee thought of that spendthrift
<lb n="100084"/>nobleman. And now it was an office or something. </p>
can be used in conjunction with a type, so in this example a route. Is this useful?
Using would allow toponym identification and would contain the data used for geocoding.
Ronan alerted me also to this very interesting project: